Hey songwriters! ??

Songwriting can be a difficult and lonely thing, and we often feel unsupported in it. It’s hard to pour all our emotions into a song and not get serious response, feedback, critique, etc. I absolutely feel the struggle.

If you do too, join this experiment in building a community of songwriters who support each other’s work. I’m willing to bet your songs are good and they deserve support. But with so many posts out there, I’m very unlikely to find them and support you. So let’s support each other. Join me?

*This is not about “exposure”, paying $5 to get in front of people on some awful feed, or any of that bullshit. (Btw, posting anywhere online = legal proof of copyright, so you’re safe)*

Here’s the idea:
1. DM a clip of your best song and 1-2 sentences about it.
2. I‘ll post your vid IF you comment on at least one other person’s song. It doesn’t even need to be positive feedback, just constructive, honest, and kind.
3. Get feedback and support.

Truly, I just want to support other songwriters cause I know the struggle. No bullshit here. So come back to comment on others’ as well, and submit new songs anytime for feedback.

If you’re into building this kind of community as well, DM me asking how else you can help!

If you just have audio, any easy way to turn audio into video: getaudiogram.com