You’ve been redirected from somewhere to here because I want to tell you about the Brother James family.
Here’s the deal.
I’ve just graduated college, and now that there’s space in my life I’m in the process of writing songs weekly and recording all the time. I’m inviting all my friends to be a part of the journey, so if you’d like to keep up with my music you can join the mailing list that may have presented itself to you already.
But. If you’d like to get more involved:
I’ve got a slightly smaller circle of friends who get more frequent updates with demos of songs, like the one above, as I write them.
They get a glimpse of all the inner workings of my music and give me feedback on songs I’m writing and releasing. I’m really grateful for their support; without these kinds of friends I’d probably have given up by now.
Their support also allows me to do this financially; they’re people who have said “I like the music you make and I want you to make more, and I’ll put money down monthly to make sure it happens.” Their monthly patronage gives me the impetus and drive to continue making music, and provides the resources required to record and release music, so I don’t have to work crazy hours at a day job to fund my music.
If you’re interested in that sort of involvement, I would LOVE for you to join the Brother James fam! Click on into that link and choose how much you’d like to support with. There are different perks and stuff, but it really comes down to being more involved in the music-making process and helping to provide the resources to keep doing it.
I’m excited to meet you and start working together 🙂